You may have heard something about Jude's choice of a name for our yet to be born son. He decided several months ago we should name him "Baby Jesus;" not "Jesus," but "Baby Jesus." He has told people about his choice. No one, including us, has told him we probably will not name our new son "Jesus." But our Hobo is a smart one. He has repeatedly observed the reactions of those he has told about his choice for the baby's name. He figured out on his own that we probably won't be naming his new brother "Jesus." So he came up with a way to make sure his choice in names is used. He now tells people that the baby has already been born, and we DID name him "Jesus." As far as he can figure, if he can convince others that it has already happened, then it has. Anyway, we had to counsel him about honesty. He doesn't see the problem with it, but he is the only one of my kids who can lie unflinchingly.
Prayer for the Saints: Intercession
By prayer I mean talking to God, and by Saints I mean those who have
humbled themselves in obedience to the gospel, and have called upon Jesus
Christ to sa...
5 years ago
Awwww, sweet little Jude. I have one who can lie unflinchingly, too - and it scares me for her. And for what it's worth, I didn't find your profile picture frightening - but that's probably because I know you! :)
He is the sweetest. He is the most compassionate. He is the most tender. But he will perpetuate false witness against a sibling all the way through to them being disciplined, and encourage me to follow through with the discipline even though he knows it's not the truth.
Dude is so precious! JH considers him a best buddy!
"Dude" thinks of JH the same way. Hope his ears get better.
What must go through little minds to come up with such ideas? That is just too adorable... but I'm glad you and Rhesa are the ones parenting and not me, because I would have no idea what to do with him!!
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