Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We are covering the pastoral epistles at TES this week. The discussion has revealed a varying view on the role of women in the church. I am putting together my thoughts on the issue, and would love to hear from some others as I synthesize my thoughts. The photo is an icon of Phoebe the Deaconess.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Preemptive Strike of a Hobo

You may have heard something about Jude's choice of a name for our yet to be born son. He decided several months ago we should name him "Baby Jesus;" not "Jesus," but "Baby Jesus." He has told people about his choice. No one, including us, has told him we probably will not name our new son "Jesus." But our Hobo is a smart one. He has repeatedly observed the reactions of those he has told about his choice for the baby's name. He figured out on his own that we probably won't be naming his new brother "Jesus." So he came up with a way to make sure his choice in names is used. He now tells people that the baby has already been born, and we DID name him "Jesus." As far as he can figure, if he can convince others that it has already happened, then it has. Anyway, we had to counsel him about honesty. He doesn't see the problem with it, but he is the only one of my kids who can lie unflinchingly.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Two in one

I've got to send you to the post my wife wrote. Then, I've got to let you know that my wife has decided that my pic for my profile is too scary. So, as of now, I have altered my profile so that I do not scare anyone. So here is my new profile pic.

Friday, April 18, 2008

What is the deal with towels!?

And it's not just my kids. See Jane.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Watch Watchers

We set forth to worship, fellowship, and hear the preacing of God's Word. Yet find our minds and our hearts wandering as we watch the watch. I am guilty of this. After a long sermon this Sunday, you could not imagine how many conversations I overheard about it. It is as if the time were ours, and God has stolen it from us if our pastor goes past 12:00. Thomas Watson writes - HE WHO LOVES GOD DESIRES HIS PRESENCE. Lovers cannot be long apart, they soon have their fainting fits, for want of a sight of the object of their love. A soul deeply in love with God desires the enjoyment of Him in His ordinances, in word, prayer, and sacraments. David was ready to faint away and die when he had not a sight of God. "My soul fainteth for God" (Psalm 84:2). Such as care not for ordinances, but say, "When will the Sabbath be over?" plainly reveal their lack of love to God.

Father forgive us.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring is great, but . . .

. . . I really miss the fall and winter hunting seasons.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Congratulations Mr. Zimmerman

Even the smart people in the world recognize the talent. Bob Dylan was awarded a Pulitzer prize this week. Can't wait for him to tour close again. You are probably not interested, but the details of the award are here.