...kind of. I had to go back to the old profile picture until I find another one I like. The new one made me look too much like the annoying guy from CSI that played the wuss cop in Rambo.
Prayer for the Saints: Intercession
By prayer I mean talking to God, and by Saints I mean those who have
humbled themselves in obedience to the gospel, and have called upon Jesus
Christ to sa...
“What weak creatures we are!"
*Your weekly Dose of Spurgeon*
The *PyroManiacs* devote some space each weekend to highlights from the
lifetime of works from the Prince of Preachers, Cha...
A Tale of Two Worldviews
[image: a bridge]
Christianity is fascinating. The stories of the Bible, the miracles and
teachings described throughout? It’s endlessly curious, with more ...
Last Day Send Off to St. Jude
What a sweet surprise! We left at 5:45 am yesterday morning (August 22,
2014) for Noah’s last long day of treatment. And to our surprise our
friends were u...
Picture of Kids
Thought I should upload a recent picture of the Bailey Bunch!! I havent't
uploaded a picture of them in probably 7 years!!!!! This was taken last
5 words that sum up every biography
"Five words sum up every biography -
*Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor*
I see and approve the good, but follow the bad"
Aldous Huxley
Closed Up Shop
This blog is officially closed. If you want to see a wider glimpse of who I
am and what I am about...check out the new blog called, "McBee's Musings"
Moving...please note new URL
If you are subscribed to this blog via RSS feed or email - or whether you
have it saved to your "favorites" - please note that the 15:30 blog is
So it was either ZZ Top or "wuss cop"? I can see the dilemma. Tee hee! :)
Hee-hee. What, you don't like David Caruso?! ;)
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